Handle/Sheath: Curley Birch & Reindeer antler Blade made by Roger Bergh This knife is available at https://www.bladegallery.com/shopexd.asp?id=108538
Handle/Sheath: Curley Birch & Reindeer antler Blade made by Roger Bergh This knife is available at https://www.bladegallery.com/shopexd.asp?id=108538
Handle: Mammoth & Desert Iron Wood Sheat: Desert Iron Wood Knifeblade: Carbon Damaskus by Roger Bergh More info/price: carlmichael(at)carlmichael.info
Handle: Mammoth tusk (front piece), Walrus tusk Blade: Carbon damascus by Roger Bergh Sheath: Shaft leather https://www.arizonacustomknives.com/knives-by-maker/CarlMichael-Handmade-Knives/?page=1&availability=1&price[min]=$0&price[max]=$50,000&limit=15&sortBy=relevance
Handle: Walrus tusk &stablized X-cut Oak Blade: Damaskus by Mattias Styrefors Sheath: Rawhide leather Price & more info: carlmichael(at)carlichael.info
Handle: Walrus, mammoth and Desert Iron Wood Sheath: Rawhide leather Blade: Damascus by Roger Bergh Price Info at: carlmichael (at) carlmichael.info
Handle: Moose antler stabilized Curley Birch Sheath: Shaft leather Blade: Damascus bu Andre Andersson Price info at: carlmichael(at)carlmichael.info
Handle: Mammoth & Damascus steel (86mm) Sheath: Mammoth & Damascus steel (81mm) Blade: Meteorite by Magnus Jönsson (Sweden) (52mm) Full length 167mm Price/info carlmichael(at)carlmichael.info
Handle: Stabilized Curley Birch and reindeer antler Sheeath: Stabilized Curley Birch and reindeer antler Blade: Carboon Damaskus steel bu Robin Dalman Price info at carlmichael(at)carlmichael.info
This is a great big full reindeer antler knife. The blade is forged by Roger Bergh. More info and price request at carlmichael(at)carlmichael.info